
these are all hosted on, or are themselves, 🪨physical🪨 devices that we touch and love

hardware details

we currently have five physical servers.

four of them are identical second-hand Dell Wyse 5070 computers with RAM and hard drive upgrades. they have SSD's of some size and 20gb of RAM each. we got them from a discount lot buy and forest did hardware upgrades to make them server-ready and described the process here. they are perfect 😌

one of these dell servers is refrigerator and the the other three of them are farm nodes.


refrigerator and all VMs have public static ip addresses from a /25 on a residential AT&T fiber connection.

they are only accessible from those public ips and they only communicate with each other using those public ips

they are all on the same gigabit layer 2 switch (one of the standard-cheap netgear ones with 8 ports) so they have low latency and fine throughput when communicating with each other

farm networking

farm nodes themselves do not have public static IP addresses. they are only accessible on the lan. there's a more detailed discussion of networking for the farm in its wiki page
