⛰️OpsExternal Dependencies

we rely on some external services to support core infrastructure and operations. here's where those are documented. in bullet points below each items are further details and thoughts

  • dns - hurricane electric

    • we could definitely self-host and probably should

  • domain registrar - namecheap

    • this is inescapable. only option is to bikeshed about least-bad providers

  • image hosting - archive.org

    • we could self-host, with constraints. we would need to do network bandwidth math. how do you run a CDN?

  • uptime monitoring - updown.io

    • it's good to use a separate provider for uptime monitoring. we could of course self-host but with increased risk of failure

    • is there a more politically aligned uptime monitoring provider?

    • do we know that updown isn't?

  • password management - 1password

    • we could self host bitwarden but makes me nervous

    • 1password currently just a personal account, not easily shareable

  • email - fastmail

    • used for both human email and SMTP relay

    • send limit is 8000 emails/day

  • ISP - at&t

    • genuinely inescapable

    • only discussion-worthy thing is if we want to stop using their router, which we certainly do eventually